Survey on Use of Restorative Discipline Practices in Texas School Districts

1.Does your school implement restorative practices? Restorative discipline is defined as “a whole-school, relational approach to building school climate and addressing student behavior that fosters belonging over exclusion, social engagement over control, and meaningful accountability over punishment.”(Required.)
2.How long have schools in your district been implementing restorative discipline practices? (If not applicable, leave blank.)
3.Which of these restorative practices do you implement and to what extent? *Please reference the one-pager attached to your email for specific definitions and examples. (If not applicable, leave blank.)
Community Building Circle
Celebration Circle
Repair harm circle
Opening Circle
Closing Circle
Peer restorative council 
Re-entry circle 
Family repair harm circle
Logical consequences 
classroom peace corners
Reflection time 
school-wide restorative discipline systems 
4.Who do you train in restorative practices and how often do they train? (If not applicable, leave blank.)
2-3 times/year 
4-5 times/year
6 or more times/year
District Personnel
Support Staff
5.Who conducts your restorative discipline training? (select all that apply) (If not applicable, leave blank.)
6.What else would you like to share about your district's implementation of restorative discipline practice? (If not applicable, leave blank.)
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered