Exit Career Services Workshop Registration Form Question Title * 1. Enter Your Name: Question Title * 2. Student Email: Question Title * 3. Student ID Number Question Title * 4. Do you plan to attend the CCAC Job Fair at Allegheny Campus on April 29th, 1-6pm? Yes No Question Title * 5. Which workshops are you interested in attending? Monday3/17/2025 10 AMUsing Handshake and other web resources for your job search Tuesday3/18/2025 3 PMUsing Handshake and other web resources for your job search Monday3/24/2025 10 AMRésumé and cover letter writing Tuesday3/25/2025 3 PMRésumé and cover letter writing Monday3/31/2025 10 AMInterviewing Skills 101 Tuesday4/1/2025 3 PMInterviewing Skills 101 Monday4/7/2025 10 AMYou’re Hired! Starting off Strong Tuesday4/8/2025 3 PMYou’re Hired! Starting off Strong Monday4/21/2025 10 AMHow to Prepare for a Job Fair Tuesday4/22/2025 3 PMHow to Prepare for a Job Fair Next