Operations Technology Security Group (OTSec) Launch

3.Organisation Type
4.What is your level of expertise regarding Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity?
5.What is your organisation's interest in OT Cybersecurity:
6.Does your organisation have a specific Operations Technology Cybersecurity (OTSec) posture?
7.If yes, is this posture separate or a subset of the overall organisational Cybersecurity posture
8.Does your organisation separate its manufacturing/control network zone from the enterprise networks?
9.If yes, by firebreak or a separate firewall from the enterprise firewall.
10.What are the most significant challenges around Operations Technology Cybersecurity for companies?
11.What would you be interested in learning about how companies apply Cybersecurity models to their OT?
12.Why are you interested in joining the OTSec Group?
13.What should be the goals / activities of Cyber Ireland’s OT Sec Group
14.Could your organisation provide a speaker for future OTSec meetings (thought-leadership, international speaker). If so, please name the speaker and/or topic(s)?
15.Are you interested in volunteering to lead the OTSec Working Group
16.Do you have any further comments or suggestions?
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered