Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the following features that are currently in the game?

  Hate It Dislike It No Opinion Liked It Love It
Population Cap
Managing Job Roles
User Interface
Vehicle Management

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your interest in the following possible features.

  Not Interested Somewhat Interested Very Interested Extremely Interested
Colonist Aging / Dying Of Old Age
Additional Decorative Items
Training Equipment To Increase Colonist Attributes/Skills
Random Events With Positive/Negative Outcomes
Main Story Campaign
Additional Surface Points Of Interest
Ability To Manage Colonist Activity (work/sleep/recreation) Using Time Tables
Underground Threats That Would Require Combat/Defense Mechanics
Planet Surface Threats That Would Require Combat/Defense Mechanics

Question Title

* 4. What is something that you like about Mercury Fallen?

Question Title

* 5. What is something that you do not like about Mercury Fallen?

Question Title

* 7. Please provide any additional comments about your experience playing Mercury Fallen.