Law Faculty 2024

Thank you for your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements below:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The collection (print & online) meets my research and information needs.

The law library is responsive to my requests for new materials.

The law library collection supports the courses I teach.

It is easy to find law library materials.

It is easy to borrow law library materials.

I am satisfied with the quality of the interlibrary loan service I have received.

The law library collection supports my scholarship.

Law Library Faculty are accessible.

I am satisfied with the quality of the research assistance I have received.

I am satisfied with the quality of the research training provided in my classes.

I am satisfied with the quality of the study environment in the law library.

Question Title

* 2. We welcome your comments, observations, requests and compliments. Please tell us your thoughts!