Periodically, the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities assesses community needs and services provided by the agency. Individuals who are served, families, staff, service providers, volunteers, advocates, collaborative agencies, and the public are encouraged to take a few minutes to complete and respond to this survey. Your response will assist the Board in its efforts to improve services and
better meet needs. Please complete the survey by January 1st.

Question Title

* 1. Please check the appropriate description of your situation. (You may check more than one.)

Question Title

* 2. Please check which services (if any) of the following you or your family member are receiving .

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your satisfaction rating for the following FCBDD services:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied Not Applicable
Early Childhood/Home Based
Special Olympics / Recreation
Service Coordination
Other (Please list below)

Question Title

* 4. Please provide your satisfaction rating for the following services provided by contract with FCBDD:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied Not Applicable
ARC Industries Adult Services
ARC Industries Employment Services
Family Resources
Nisonger Early Childhood
Nisonger Dental
Nisonger Dual Diagnosis
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Childhood League Early Childhood
Easter Seals Early Childhood
Dahlberg Early Childhood
Goodwill / Adult Day Services
Goodwill / Work and Community Services
Epilepsy Foundation
Creative Housing
Supported Living Services
Other (Please list below)

Question Title

* 5. Please provide your opinion of the following statements:

  Agree Undecided Disagree Not Applicable
Overall, FCBDD is providing quality services to the community.
FCBDD tax dollars are being spent wisely.
Parents/Family Members of FCBDD participants are involved and supported.
FCBDD collaborates well with other community organizations.
Generally, FCBDD meets the needs of individuals in our
community who have developmental disabilities.
Participants have adequate choice in services offered.
FCBDD staff treat participants with courtesy and with respect.
FCBDD staff treat family members with courtesy and with respect.
FCBDD staff treat the public at large with courtesy and with respect.
FCBDD communicates well. ('NewsBits', 'Dateline', Annual Report, social media, etc.)
FCBDD prevention services, including early intervention, and public awareness are provided adequately.
FCBDD supports efforts of individuals to advocate for themselves.
FCBDD supports ‘employment first’ efforts.
FCBDD has done a good job supporting individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Question Title

* 6. What do you consider to be the strengths of FCBDD?

Question Title

* 7. How can FCBDD improve?

Question Title

* 8. If you or a family are not currently receiving FCBDD services, but anticipate need in the future, please indicate the service you will need and anticipated date:

Question Title

* 9. If you would like more information regarding FCBDD or follow-up to questions, please indicate what you would like, and include your name, address and phone number:

Question Title

* 10. If you do not currently receive ‘Dateline’ or ‘NewsBits’, the FCBDD newsletter, but would like to receive them electronically, please enter your email address: