The Physiologist Magazine is the official membership publication of the American Physiological Society (APS). The magazine's mission is to highlight APS members, their work, the latest science, and foster a sense of community. Your input helps ensure we continue to meet your needs.

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* 1. How many of the last six issues of The Physiologist Magazine have you read or looked through?

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* 2. Not including yourself, how many people read or looked through your last issue of The Physiologist Magazine? If none, type “0”.

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* 3. Please indicate which of the following actions you took in the last 12 months because of reading The Physiologist Magazine. Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate how interested you are in reading about each of the following:

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not at all interested
Scientific topics and the latest research
Public policy and advocacy topics
Q&As with scientists about their work
Leadership and career topics
Profiles about physiologists
Tips about journal publishing and submissions
Opinions of your peers on a hot topic
APS members’ honors and awards
Updates about APS programs, services and committees

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* 5. What topics would you like to read more about?

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* 6. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements about The Physiologist Magazine:

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly
The magazine covers a variety of topics relevant to me.
The article length is appropriate.
The magazine delivers concise, well-written articles.
The magazine is a trusted source of information.
I like the use of photos, artwork and graphics in the magazine.
I like and/or notice the cover design.

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* 7. What do you like most and/or least about The Physiologist Magazine?

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* 8. In what format do you prefer to read or engage with content? Check all that apply.

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* 9. Which one of the following most closely matches your current title or role?

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* 10. What type of organization do you work in?

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* 11. We’re always trying to make The Physiologist Magazine better for you. Do you have any feedback to help us do that?