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We'd love for you to join in! Take a quick 3-minute survey to access exclusive product details and share your feedback directly. Your input is confidential and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

With love,
Neakasa Team

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age group?

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* 4. Have you ever purchased any products from Neakasa or Neabot?

Question Title

* 5. Neakasa M1 is dedicated to keeping your feline friend(s) safe and comfortable! Please score the following features below on their importance when considering buying the Neakasa M1 open-top self-cleaning litter box. (1 - least important, 5 - most important).

  1 2 3 4 5
Catering to cats of all sizes and accommodating their natural instinct with open-top design.
Low height and 7.17L capacity reduce refills and scattering issues for easy upkeep.
A simple and stable open-top design maximizes cats’ safety.
Ensure thorough cleaning even for soft or unburied waste with a gradual cleaning method.
Save time and effort in maintaining the litter box with the 11.23L trash bin.
The 3-second “Pull & Wrap” method leads to an odor-free waste disposal process.
Monitor cat litter levels and track real-time toilet data, alleviating your concerns about insufficient cat litter with an APP.
The detachable design ensures a convenient cleaning.
All types of litter are friendly, allowing you to choose any litter your cat(s) likes.
Minimal disruption with a quiet 50 dB noise level.

Question Title

* 6. At what price (USD) do you think the Neakasa M1 is priced so low that it makes you question its quality? (shipping fee excluded)

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* 7. At what price (USD) do you think the Neakasa M1 is a good bargain? (shipping fee excluded)

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* 8. At what price(USD) do you think the Neakasa M1 is expensive but would you still consider getting one? (shipping fee excluded)

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* 9. At what price (USD) do you think the Neakasa M1 is too expensive? (shipping fee excluded)

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* 10. Considering the size and weight of the Neakasa M1, what is the maximum amount you will be willing to pay for the shipping fee(USD)? (591mm*525mm*513mm, 30lb/14kg)

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* 11. With the following add-ons, which ones would you like to purchase? And please provide us with your desired prices.

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* 12. How many units of the Neakasa M1 will you consider buying?

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* 13. The Neakasa M1 is featured with 2 color options. Which one do you prefer most?

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* 14. Would you be willing to wait for the Neakasa M1 to be shipped in December 2023?

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* 15. Have you ever purchased products on crowdfunding websites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter before?

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* 16. What else do you consider important before deciding to purchase the Neakasa M1?

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* 17. What additional features would make you want to purchase the Neakasa M1? Or any concern you may have about this new product?