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The Early Care and Learning Partnership believes all families should have access to the support they need and want when trying to work and raise children..  The pandemic has changed the dynamics for many of us. Your answers will help our community fill in some of the gaps.  Your answers are totally confidential. Please skip any item you do not want to answer.

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* 1. When are you filling this out?


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* 2. Which School District do you live in?

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* 3. If you work outside of your home- who is your employer?

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* 5. Please let us know your living situation

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* 7. Have child care issues ever caused you to:

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* 8. Have child care issues ever impacted your job performance?

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* 9. Does your employer offer?

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* 11. What are the most important factors for you in choosing care?  Please select up to 4.

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* 12. If your children have been enrolled in care, did the program:

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* 13. Did/does your child care provider offer you information/support/parent education about:

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* 14. How involved are you with your child's care program?

Feel very welcome, often participate Attend teacher conferences Feel that caregivers are not interested in my input
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. Do/did the hours your child attended care match the hours you needed to work/attend school/go to meetings, appointments etc.?

Never Always
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 16. If you needed more or fewer hours of care, how easy was it to arrange?

Very easy Almost impossible
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 17. If you are currently seeking care how long have you been looking?

less than 3 months more than a year
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 18. If you have ever changed caregivers, or considered doing so, what were the reasons?

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* 19. In order to pay for care have you ever:

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* 20. Has it ever been difficult for  you to afford care?

Never Huge challenge
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 21. If  your child is in care now - please estimate how much you need to pay out-of-pocket per week: (include your CCFAP co-pays)

Free 10% of my income 25%  or more of my income
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 22. If you needed help finding/paying for child care did you try:

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* 23. If you can't find the care you need which options might you consider?

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* 24. How do you self-identify? Please skip any question you wish.

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* 25. If family leave with pay were offered, how long would you/your family be likely to utilize it?

Never Up to one year
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 26. What is your current level of concern about having the right care?

none, we have a good situation worried but I'm sure it will work out almost frantic
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 27. What else might be helpful to you during this time?

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* 28. If you would like someone from the Early Care and Learning Partnership to contact you, please give us your contact information. We will not share any of this information or link it to your answers above.

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* 29. Thank you, we appreciate your time!

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