If you are an asylum seeker or you have sought asylum in SA, please take a few minutes to fill in the following survey.

Question Title

* 1. Name as per passport

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* 2. Phone number

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* 3. Email

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* 4. Country of origin

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* 5. When did you arrive in South Africa?

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* 6. Why did you leave your home country?

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* 7. What was your route to South Africa?

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* 8. Where did you enter South Africa?

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* 9. Do you have any children?

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* 10. If yes, did you enter with your children?

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* 11. Please provide your children’s names and ages.

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* 12. What is your current status in South Africa:

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* 13. Have you been detained in South Africa as an ‘illegal foreigner’

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* 14. If yes, where were you detained?

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* 15. Date of detention

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* 16. Date of release

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* 17. If you have children, what happened to them during your detention?

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* 18. Have you been detained in South Africa on any criminal charges or as a result of a conviction?

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* 19. If yes, where were you detained?

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* 20. Date of detention

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* 21. Date of release

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* 22. Did you attempt to apply for asylum before or during your detention?

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* 23. Who did you make your application to?

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* 24. How did you make the application?

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* 25. Were you able to submit an asylum application?

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* 26. What was the outcome of your application?

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* 27. Did you have access to immigration officials during your detention?

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* 28. If yes, describe your interaction with immigration officials.

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* 29. Did you have a ‘good cause’ interview?

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* 30. If yes, when was it conducted?

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* 31. Who conducted your ‘good cause’ interview?

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* 32. How would you describe your ‘good cause’ interview?

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* 33. What was the outcome of your ‘good cause’ interview?

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* 34. Do you believe the ‘good cause’ process was fair in your case?

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* 35. If no, why was it not fair?

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* 36. Is there any additional information that you would like HSF to know?

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* 37. Please upload a copy of your passport

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* 38. Please upload a copy of your children's birth certificate

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Question Title

* 39. Please upload your asylum documents

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Question Title

* 40. Please upload any additional relevant documents

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