Parent Survey / Title I / FY24

1.Do you know your school's academic goals and how you can be involved?
2.I have been involved in discussions regarding my child's education or had the opportunity (i.e., parent-teacher conferences).
3.Does your school encourage you to be involved in your child's education?
4.I have been informed by my child's teachers about his/her progress.
5.Do you understand your child(ren)'s report cards and test scores?
6.I have been given information about how I can help my child with his/her classroom studying and homework.
7.Do you know how additional help with reading and/or mathematics is given to students through the Title I program?
8.What is the best way for the school to share information about your child(ren) and school activities?
9.Do you have any comments/concerns about the Title I Program or the Parent Involvement Program in your school?
10.Would you be interested in participating in a Parent Involvement Committee?