Upper Milford Township Park & Recreation

Upper Milford Township in Lehigh County Pennsylvania desires to update their Park and Recreation plan. This survey will help the township Recreation Committee reach that goal.

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* 1. Which statement best describes your family?

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* 2. Please indicate the age groups represented within your household. Please check all that apply.

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* 3. Generally, how satisfied are you with the parks and recreation facilities available within Upper Milford Township

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* 4. Over the last 12 months how often do members of your household use Township parks, Recreation programs and facilities? Children ages 0-12

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* 5. Over the last 12 month how often do members of your household use Township parks, Recreation programs and facilities? Children ages 13-18

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* 6. Over the last 12 months how often do members of your household use Township parks, recreation programs and facilities? Adults 19-30

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* 7. Over the last 12 months how often do members of your household use Township parks, Recreation programs and facilities? Adults 31+

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* 8. Please indicate which community, public or private facilities do you and your household have used in the past year. Please check all that apply.

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* 9. What influnences your decision to use a park or recreation area