Summer Jo Studios Question Title * 1. What Service are you looking for? Event Photography ( $250 for up to 2 hours) Studio Portraits ($250/hr includes outfit and location changes. unlimited shots and angles. edits included) you come to studio Lifestyle Portraits ($150/hr includes outfit and location changes. unlimited shots and angles. edits included) I come to you Sport Portraits (packages vary: posed, action, or print, per game, full season) email to specify your package Personal Photographer (headshots, travel, BTS, blog/vlog, branding, etc) email to specify your package Food Styling and Photography ($150 for up to 2hrs. $25 for every additional hour) Fillanthropy ( personal chef, personal shopper, catering, meal prep, cooking demo, etc ) Event Services (includes but not limited to: design, planning, coordination, staffing, budgeting, management, etc) OK Question Title * 2. When do you need this service? Please answer in Calendar Date format (ex: Month 00, 2018) Date / Time Date Time AM/PM - AM PM OK Question Title * 3. If your date is flexible, or desires multiple dates, please explain below- OK Question Title * 4. Please Enter your contact information. Thank You! You will receive a follow-up email from me shortly Name * Company Address Address 2 City/Town * State/Province * ZIP/Postal Code * Country Email Address * Phone Number * OK Question Title * 5. Have you set your budget for this need? If so, what is your range? OK Question Title * 6. Desired location ? ( Please enter address if applicable ) OK DONE