The current CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) between WSNA and Fresenius Renal Care Group expires on June 21, 2022. This survey and your input is vital in preparing for bargaining. We must understand everyone's issues and concerns before we get to the bargaining table.

Rest assured, your contact information will not be shared with anyone, and your responses will be kept confidential. Nevertheless, you must enter your name, so we know each person taking the survey is a Fresenius Renal Group bargaining unit member. We may need to contact you if we need to follow up on your survey responses. It will also help us keep you updated throughout the process.

Because only the WSNA negotiating team will see your survey responses, please freely share your experiences and opinions. Please encourage all your RN co-workers to take it too. Our power and strength come from us being united and working together for the same goal, the best contract we can get!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your current contact information.