The Village of Scarsdale is conducting a visioning study to guide planning efforts for the Freightway Site, an underutilized area adjacent to the Scarsdale Metro North Railroad Station. The site is currently used for commuter parking with approximately 700 spaces, including an aging five-story parking garage and two surface parking lots. 

The study’s aim is to define a set of realistic and publicly supported goals and objectives for the Freightway Site which will enhance Scarsdale’s Village Center and meet local needs.

This survey is intended to gather input from a diverse range of people who live, work or own businesses in Scarsdale and adjacent areas. The questions ask about key priorities for the site if it were to be redeveloped. Individual responses are confidential and will be tabulated and shared in summary form only.

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. All persons in a household are welcome to fill out the survey, but each person needs to use a unique device. 

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