Question Title

* 1. Please choose all that apply:

Question Title

* 2. How important is it to try and recruit the following types of businesses to Franklin?

  Very important Somewhat important Neither important or unimportant Somewhat unimportant Very unimportant Don't know
Construction firms
Sports Recreation
High tech companies
Manufacturing firms
Telework (professional firms who can work from anywhere)
Transportation, Communication, Utilities
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate
Healthcare related businesses
Education or Training
Tourism (points of attraction or interest)
Hospitality (hotels, air bnb's, county inn's, bed and breakfast)
Small retail
Big box retail (Best Buy, Target)

Question Title

* 3. What kind of restaurants would you frequent in Franklin?

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Franklin should dedicate more time and resources to retaining and expanding existing businesses.
Franklin should dedicate more time and resources to attracting new businesses.
Franklin should dedicate more time and resources to developing commercial/industrial sites.
Franklin should explore partnerships for regional economic development purposes.
Franklin should prioritize local job creation.
The existing commercial districts should be expanded.
Financial incentives to improve a business property should be considered for a business if the business will create high paying jobs in Franklin.
There is a good mix of retail businesses in Franklin.
There is a good mix of restaurants in Franklin.
Franklin should have more locations that include residential, commercial, office, retail, or recreational spaces in close proximity (mixed-use developments).
Franklin should increase public transportation to provide access to jobs.

Question Title

* 5. How often do you leave Franklin to make the following purchases?

  Always Very Often Sometimes Rarely Never
General groceries
Specialty groceries
General merchandise

Question Title

* 6. In the last six months, how often did you eat at the following types of restaurants?

  0 times 1-2 times 3-6 times 7-10 times 11 or more times
Ethnic restaurants
Fast food (McDonalds, Culver’s)
Fast casual (Panera, Chipotle)
Casual dining (Applebee’s)
Premium casual (Maggiano’s Little Italy)
Family Style/Family friendly diners
Fine Dining

Question Title

* 7. Please rate how important, if at all, the following are to the future of Franklin:

  Very important Somewhat important Neither important or unimportant Somewhat unimportant Very unimportant Don't know
A broad range of employment opportunities
A diverse set of shopping options
Good traffic flow in Franklin
A commitment to environmental sustainability
Plenty of green space
Access to public transportation
New business development
A variety of housing options
A diverse set of dining options

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* 8. What type of business is Franklin missing?

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* 9. Any additional comments you wish to share?

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* 10. What is your gender?

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* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. Living situation

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* 13. How long have you lived in Franklin?

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* 14. Do you have children 17 or under in your household?

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* 15. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?