Franklin County Business Broadband Survey

Note: The results of this survey will be confidential. Comments will not be attributed to any specific respondent. The purpose of the survey is to gather business opinion on the importance of broadband/Internet service and to help the Franklin County prioritize its efforts to attract faster broadband service to all areas of the county. Business addresses will be used only to plot the location of respondents.

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* 1. What is your form of business?

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* 2. If your business is For Profit, what is your business sector?

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* 3. How many employees are at this service site?

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* 4. Who is your current Internet service provider?

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* 5. Do you have a secondary connection? 

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* 6. If Yes, from what provider?

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* 7. How satisfied are you with your current Internet provider? 

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* 8. If very dissatisfied or dissatisfied, please check the reasons for your rating (select the most applicable answer).

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* 9. Are you interested in options to upgrade from your current Internet speed?

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* 10. In what options for upgraded speeds would you be interested?

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* 11. How many devices in your business are online? 

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* 12. How frequently do you experience buffering/delays/interruptions while conducting work? 

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* 13. Would you move more services to the cloud (Google Drive, Online Quickbooks, etc) if you had more reliable Internet access?

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* 14. Address for this Survey (This field is optional, however providing this additional information will help us to determine areas that need improved service.)