We work with community partners to run a series of large public events in Fenland throughout the year, known as our Four Seasons events.

Thank you for filling in this questionnaire, it shouldn’t take longer than 2 minutes to complete, and will help us to improve the events each year.

Question Title

1. What is your age/ages of those in your party?

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2. What is your postcode?

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3. Which of our Four Seasons events did you attend?

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4. Would you attend this event again?

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5. How did you hear about the event? (Tick all that apply)

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6. On a scale of 1-5 please rate how you viewed the event

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7. Did you enjoy the event?

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8. What did you particularly like?

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9. Do you have any suggestions of how to improve the event for next year?

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10. Please contact me as I would like to contribute to the event by;

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11. If you completed question 10, please provide your contact details