Foster Funds (July 1, 2024- June 15, 2025) |
Foster Funds Grant Request (07/01/24- 6/15/25)
Foster Funds are used to reimburse caregivers who pay for activities or goods to promote social, cultural or developmental activities for youth in foster care.
Each eligible youth can receive up to $400 per state fiscal year for eligible expenses. Eligibility resets July 1st each state fiscal year.
Eligibility is for youth 14 through 20 years of age in any type of HHS or JCS supervised "out of home" placement (family foster care, relative care, QRTP/group care, Supervised Apartment Living (SAL), CWES/shelter care, or other approved suitable placement). Foster Funds do not require the placement to be licensed or paid by the state.
Please complete the application below and provide all appropriate PAID receipts or invoices as indicated. Please note applications that are received without paid receipts and/or business invoices cannot be processed. Grants awarded are at AMP's sole discretion; some youth may not be awarded.
Every item or opportunity that is granted any amount of funding is meant for the youth and must accompany the them if they they leave their current placement.
If you have any questions regarding Foster Funds or the process, please email laossey@yss.org.