Thank you for your participation and interest as we finish this phase of the Interpretive Planning and Concept Design process at Fort Ward Park and Museum. Your comments, suggestions, and questions have been integral in shaping this final iteration of the Concept Design. The Fort Ward team will continue collaborating with stakeholders like you throughout the process of implementing the new elements.
Please review the Final Concept Design Package and the Draft Text Document, presented at the April 23, 2019 Stakeholders Meeting. The documents were distributed before the presentation and can be found on the Office of Historic Alexandria’s Fort Ward webpage.
While completing the survey, please keep in mind that although this package presents the “Final” version of the Concept Design and Interpretive Plan, the design and content will continue to evolve and go through several additional rounds of edits before the signage is installed during the next phase of implementation. This survey is intended to gather your initial reactions, commentary, and questions.
The Brochure element will be going into production soon. Please be as specific as possible in your comments on the Brochure.
Please provide your comments as soon as possible within the next two weeks (by May 10, 2019) so that the team can move forward with the Brochure.
Thank you in advance for providing answers to the following survey questions and please feel free to provide any additional comments you may have.