Formative Assessment Strategies Educator Survey

Thank you for your willingness to complete the Formative Assessment Educator Survey! This survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey will be comprised of three parts: (1) Use of Formative Assessment (2) Technology Within Your Classroom Practice (3) Professional Development Supports and a Demographic Section
Part 1: Use of Formative Assessment
Part 1 will contain five sections. Each section will correspond to varying strategies of formative assessment.
For each of the items in part one, please respond:

(0 = not at all, 1 = once a quarter/semester or less, 2 = monthly, 3 = weekly, 4 = daily)
Section 1: Clarifying learning intentions and criteria for success
1.I design coherent sequences of learning rather than individual lessons.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
2.I explain to students the connections between new, prior, and future learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
3.I have a learning goal(s) for the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
4. I present the learning goal(s) for the lesson to students verbally.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
5. I present the learning goal(s) for the lesson to students in writing (i.e. on the board).
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
6.I discuss with students what they should know by the end of the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
7.The learning goal(s) for the lesson is connected to state/local academic standards.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
8.I reference the learning goal(s) multiple times within the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
9.I share with students the criteria that will be used to determine their success in the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
10. I have students participate in developing the criteria for success.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
11. I have flexibility in student options to demonstrate their learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
12. I have students demonstrate understanding of the criteria for success.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
Section 2: Engineering effective tasks, discussions, and questions that elicit evidence
13. I integrate assessment activities to measure procedural skills.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
14.I integrate assessment activities to measure conceptual understanding.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
15.I integrate performance tasks into the lessons and record observations of students’ work.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
16.The tasks and activities within the lesson are directly tied to learning goals.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
17.The tasks and activities within the lesson provide evidence of student progress toward learning goals.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
18.The majority of students are clear about the task and begin work efficiently.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
19. Student responses and work provide evidence for adapting instruction within the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
20.Student responses and work are analyzed to identify patterns of understanding/misunderstanding within the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
21. I use informal activities to analyze student progress such as mini whiteboards, understanding codes, “red-light green-light” etc.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
22. I enable students to be engaged in discourse/discussion regarding the lesson in small groups.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
23.I facilitate students in discourse/discussion regarding the lesson as a whole class.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
24. I include both individual and group assignments when group work is used.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
25. I expect students to find the right answer to a teacher provided problem.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
26.I allow students to have multiple approaches to solving the problem.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
27. I use exit tickets to assess student learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
28. I ask questions within the lesson to assess whole group progress.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
29. I ask questions within the lesson to assess individual student progress.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
30. I adjust instruction within the lesson based upon student responses.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
31. I ensure the pace of the lesson provides adequate wait time for students to respond to questions.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
32. I use follow-up questions when engaging students in discourse.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
33.I use student responses to questions for adapting future instruction.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
Section 3: Providing feedback that moves learners forward
34. I review all student work during the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
35.I review some student work during the lesson.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
36.I provide real time feedback on student work to all students.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
37.Students have opportunities to internalize feedback and apply it in a meaningful way.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
38.I generate feedback loops during classroom discourse where one question leads into elaboration and further questioning to build the discussion.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
39. I provide students with comments instead of grades.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
Section 4: Activating students as instructional resources for one another.
40. I provide students with opportunities for peer-assessment.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
41.I enable students to learn from each other when they engage in group work.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
42. I use evidence generated through student peer-assessments to inform future teaching and learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
43. I have students work in small groups with 2-3 other students.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
44. I have students to work with a partner.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
45. I provide opportunities for students to assess peers’ work.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
Section 5:  Activating students as learners of their own learning.
46. I provide opportunities for students to assess peers’ work.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
47. I provide students with descriptors of how to regulate their learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
48. I allow students to guide their own learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
49. I use evidence generated through student self-assessments to inform future teaching and learning.
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
Part 2: Technology Within Your Classroom Practice

For each of the items in part two, please respond:
(0 = not at all, 1 = once a quarter/semester or less, 2 = monthly, 3 = weekly, 4 = daily)
50.In my classroom, I use personal computing (e.g., iPad, Laptop)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
51.I use projection boards (e.g., SMART Board, Promethean)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
52.I use Google Forms
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
53.I use Online polling (e.g., Poll Everywhere, PollDaddy)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
54.I use digital discourse and dialogue (e.g., Padlet, Lino, jamboard)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
55.I use Digital Quizzes and Learning Games (e.g., Kahoot, Quizlet, ZipGrade) 
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
56.I use voice recording (e.g., Vocaroo, QuickVoice app)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
57.I use video lessons and recording (e.g., Zaption, EdPuzzle, Desmos, Delta Math)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
58.I use chat tools (e.g., Backchannel Chat, Chatzy)
0 - not at all
1 - once a quarter/semester or less
2 - monthly
3- weekly
4- daily
59.When implementing formative assessment practices, I have used the following: check all that apply.
Part 3: Professional Development Supports

For each of the items in part three, please respond:
( 1 = Strongly Disagree,  2 = Disagree,  3 = Agree,  4 = Strongly Agree )
60.I am encouraged to use formative assessment within my instruction daily.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
61. I have time to use formative assessment within my instruction daily.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
62. I have received professional development focused on formative assessment use.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
63.I have the necessary materials that enable me to use formative assessment within my instruction daily.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
64.My administrator supports and encourages the use of formative assessment.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
65. District administration supports and encourages the use of formative assessment.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
66.I have a thorough understanding of various strategies to formatively assess my students.
1 - Strongly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly Agree
67.What type of PD opportunities did you participate in on formative assessment practices? Check all that apply.
68.What is the approximate number of hours of professional development that you received from your district on formative assessment practices?
Open Ended Elaboration

69.What resources or supports if any, from within your district or outside of your district, have enabled you to implement formative assessment in your classroom?
70.How has student learning been enhanced through your use of formative assessment?
71.How have you adjusted your instruction in response to evidence gathered through formative assessment?
Demographic Infomation

72.What is your School District?
73.What is your School?
74.What grade level do you teach?
75.How many years have you been teaching?
76.How many years have you been at this school?
77.What is your Gender?
78.What is your ethnicity?
79.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are ELL?
80.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are African American?
81.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are Hispanic/Latino (a)?
82.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are White/Caucasian ?
83.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are Asian?
84.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that are from other backgrounds?
85.What is the approximate number of students in my classes that receive free/reduced lunch?
Thank You for Completing the Formative Assessment Strategies Educator Survey !