A Petition to President Donald J. Trump
We, the undersigned, appreciate your assurance that you will maintain restrictions on gatherings and travel until medical evidence indicates that it is safe to ease them, and we urge you to continue a policy of basing all responses to this public health crisis on medical evidence and public health guidance. Relaxing social distancing measures while COVID-19 transmissions continue to climb will lead to faster spread of disease, overwhelm health care facilities, and result in preventable deaths. A strong nationwide plan that supports and enforces social distancing is essential to ensure compliance across the country. Economic, nutritional and educational support will be essential for workers, small businesses, children and others who are facing steep sacrifices as a result of this pandemic. A premature easing of social distancing measures will put lives at risk and over the long-term place an even greater strain on the economy.
The first version of the petition was sent on March 30 at 10 am. The petition will stay open and will be released again at the appropriate time.