What altars do you have in your home or community? What do they mean to you?
As part of the 2023 Smithsonian Folklife Festival program Creative Encounters: Living Religions in the U.S., we invite you to submit photos of your altars. Selected photos and stories will be featured on the Smithsonian Folklife Instagram channel and Folklife Festival website.
Submissions are due Wednesday, May 31.

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* 1. Your name:

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* 2. Your Instagram handle:
(Only public accounts can be tagged)

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* 3. Your city:

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* 4. Your photo:
(By uploading a file, you give the Smithsonian permission to use the image on its website and social media)

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

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* 5. In a few sentences, tell us about the significance of this altar and these objects:
(If your photo is selected, your description will be included and subject to editing for clarity)