Elevating the Customer Experience Survey Question Title * 1. Would you recommend Fluxx for an organization similar to yours? Definitely would Probably would Probably would not Definitely would not Question Title * 2. How would you rate the Fluxx Training as a value add to you and your organization? Extremely valuable Very valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable Question Title * 3. How would you rate the Fluxx Implementation as a value add to you and your organization? Very high quality High quality Low quality Very low quality Question Title * 4. How would you rate Fluxx Support as a value add to you and your organization? Extremely helpful Very helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful Question Title * 5. How would you rate the Fluxx Community as a value add to you and your organization? Extremely valuable Very valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable Question Title * 6. How would you rate Fluxx's Thought Leadership as a value add to you and your organization? Extremely valuable Very valuable Not so valuable Not at all valuable Done