Thank you for participating in this survey on the effectiveness of the current sermon series "With Purpose and Intent: God's Design for Our Work." You will be invited to take a second survey at the end of this series in March.

The author of the survey requests that you participate by listening to each of the eight sermons in the series, either in worship in person or online through the First Pres website or podcast.

First Pres Website - Sermon Archive
First Pres Podcast

This sermon series and survey have been developed as a requirement for the Doctor of Ministry in the Workplace Theology and Ethical Leadership Cohort at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. The survey is anonymous and the raw data will be accessible only by the primary researcher and shared with their mentor. Results will be used in the production and defense of a final thesis project as well as a potential published work.

"Work" in this study is defined as “anything you do with intent and purpose" (Kara Martin, Workship, Vols. I and II). Therefore, work is not exclusive to those with paid vocations. This survey assumes everyone is a "worker," making the following questions relevant to all (students, employees, retirees, stay at home parents, and disabled persons, etc.).

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* 1. How often do you reflect on how your work reflects God’s creative design?

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* 2. To what extent do you view the work you do as an act of worship?

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* 3. How confident are you in understanding how the work you do mirrors God’s character?

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* 4. How often do you see the work you do as part of God’s mission to redeem and restore creation?

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* 5. To what extent do you feel that the work you do contributes to the flourishing of others or your community?

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* 6. How frequently do you incorporate spiritual practices, such as prayer or reflection, into your work?

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* 7. How clear is the connection between rest and trusting God’s provision in your life?

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* 8. How equipped do you feel to handle any ethical or moral challenges that may arise from the work you do?

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* 9. How often do you intentionally use your gifts and talents to serve others through the work you do?

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* 10. To what extent do you view frustrations and challenges that come with your work as opportunities for spiritual growth?

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* 11. How regularly do you experience joy or fulfillment in your work?

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* 12. How often do you approach your work with an eternal perspective?

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* 13. How clearly do you see your work as a form of stewardship entrusted to you by God?

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* 14. How do you currently understand the connection between your faith and your work?

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* 15. What challenges prevent you from seeing your work as part of God’s greater purposes?

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* 16. How do you understand the role of rest in your spiritual and work life?

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* 17. What steps, if any, do you currently take to align your work with God’s redemptive plan?

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* 18. Which of the following most accurately describes your current stage of life?

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* 19. Are you

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* 20. Age