Dear Family of God at Southern Heights Church,

The Southern Heights Council would like to thank everyone who calls this church family their home for their generous giving. In support of next year's ministries, we are beginning our annual First Fruits Process.

What is “First Fruits”?
In the Old Testament God wanted his people to remember that he is their covenant God. He called them to bring the first part of their harvest (First Fruits) as an offering to him (See Deuteronomy 26). By giving first to God they were reminded that God was to come first in their lives. The same should be true for us. Hence, the name “First Fruits.”

First Fruits, or Tithing, is an integral part of worship also. In addition to music, prayer, scripture and sermons; giving is a wonderful response to God. That is why we clap at the time of the offering. It is as a part of our worship of God.

As we plan for next year, we ask that everyone consider filling out a confidential First Fruits Estimate.

Why make an estimate?
When we make a First Fruits estimate, we prayerfully commit to God’s work for the next year through the people and ministries of Southern Heights. The Council wants to be good stewards, so they will use your confidential estimates to make a wise plan for the year.

How do I decide on an estimate?
Take a few minutes to think about the many different ways that God has provided for you and helped you this past year. Give him thanks and praise for all he has done and all he has given you. If your finances are part of a larger family system, then do this process together with your family if possible.

Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, and 9:6-15. Let these words “soak in” to your heart and mind. Meditate on them.

Spend a few minutes praying this prayer: “God, in light of who you are and what you have given me, what do you want me to give to support the ministries of my church in the coming year?” Be still and listen for a response.

Then, in faith and in response to what you have heard from God, complete these First Fruits Questions (below), trusting God to provide what you need to give what he calls you to give! God is good, all the time.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. My/Our Total First Fruits estimate for next year is... (this remains confidential)

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* 3. I/We would also like to give this amount for the Building Fund... (also confidential)

Question Title

* 4. Other possible choices.