This fintech recruitment and search & selection survey ("Fintech Ireland Recruitment Survey") commenced in March 2020. It will stay open until further notice. We hope that the information received, which we will analyse, will paint a clear, as possible, picture of fintech talent in Ireland, trends in recruitment and which recruiters are focused on fintech.
We initially thought it should focus just on fintech recruitment and search & selection firms. However after speaking with many in-house recruitment/talent sourcing teams, it made sense to ensure that we captured their views as well.
All questions are compulsory except the last four. However if you don't provide us with your (i) logo; (ii) Twitter handle; (iii) Linkedin Profile Address then when we write blogs about fintech recruitment in Ireland, we will not be able to reference these our news, social media, blogs etc. However these are your data, so your choice. Also we appreciate that you may need to send the logo to us separately, in which case email it to with a clear subject header.
Personal Data: The only personal data we are requesting is that of the person who is completing this survey on behalf of a recruiter (i.e. the agent of the company). By completing the survey you, as agent of the company, are confirming that you are authorised to provide any and all of the information you furnish to Fintech Ireland and you hold us harmless and indemnify us should you fail to obtain the necessary authorisation from your company / employer. You agree that we may process any personal data you, in your capacity as agent or employee (howsoever described) for the company/employer, furnish to us for the purposes of contacting you to confirm the data furnished to Fintech Ireland. We have thought very carefully about the questions we have asked in order to keep personal data to a minimum. This survey is about fintech recruitment and corporations in Ireland. The information we receive when presented in our findings will be done so in aggregate.
If you feel strongly about not answering a mandatory question, then we cannot prevent you from inserting incorrect / nonsense data into any field. In which case we may not consider you with respect to any Fintech Ireland blogs, news, social media or events relevant to the "Fintech Ireland Recruitment Survey", any recruitment and talent follow up work or in general. Where we believe or suspect that any of the data has been deliberately falsified, then we of course reserve the right to reject your submission. For the avoidance of doubt, neither the completion of the Fintech Ireland Recruitment Survey or any communication on the topic, creates any right or obligation between your business (whether incorporated or not) and Fintech Ireland or Peter Oakes. The team from Fintech Ireland may contact respondents to verify any information provided.
Fintech Ireland is a registered trading name of the data controller Coogee Consulting Limited (Irish company registration number 397502).
If you have any questions about this survey please contact
The other two Fintech Ireland Survey: We are running an open Fintech Ireland Companies Survey to help map the Irish Fintech ecosystem. If you know of any fintech/regtech firms. Our other Survey is a Fintech Ireland & Fintech Northern Hubs Survey, which leads to the mapping of the hubs, accelerators, labs and centres which support fintech in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Find them here -