
14% of survey complete.

Welcome to the Financial Development Barometer Survey.

Every year since 2012, the Barometer is conducted by the Global Financial Development Report team in order to better understand trends and sentiments regarding important financial sector policy issues. Leading experts, including central bankers, finance ministry officials, regulatory and supervisory authorities, market participants, and international financial organization practitioners have revealed important insights that steered topical discussions of the Report.

The current questionnaire contains 5 sections and 31 questions, examining stylized facts, drivers, and impacts of financial sector regulations. In addition, it explores current policy issues under debate in financial sector development. It takes around 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers — please indicate your opinion or the scenario in your country accordingly.

Your responses will be used for the analysis for the Global Financial Development Report, and will be confidential to third parties. We request you to kindly finish all questions as the completeness of responses forms the basis of sound analysis, and we much appreciate your valuable time and consideration.


GFC Global financial crisis, 2007–09
FSB Financial Stability Board
N/A Not applicable/relevant to country settings
SIFI Systemically important financial institutions
SME Small and medium enterprises