About The Quick Survey

We are reaching out to ask for input on the accessibility of outdoor, indoor, and virtual festivals and events in Canada, from Canadians with disabilities, and those who support us.

We will use your input to create Canadian festival and event accessibility recommendations. Canadian festivals and events will use these, and they will inform future standards for Accessibility Standards Canada.

The survey takes two to three minutes to fill out, and you will be anonymous. All questions are required, and marked with an asterisk (*). More information on the other options, such as Online, ASL, LSQ and voice, are on the website, https://www.ilc-vac.ca/festivalaccess-quicksurvey. For questions, contact Lisa, the Research Study Coordinator, at festivals@ilc-vac.ca. The survey ends January 15, 2025.

This project is funded by Accessibility Standards Canada, and the Government of Canada. Independent Living Canada is a national non-profit association of community-based Independent Living Centres. They are run by, and for, people with disabilities.
14% of survey complete.