501 Commons Federal Loan Access Survey We appreciate you taking a few minutes to respond to this survey. The information you provide through this survey allows 501 Commons and other service providers to help nonprofits take advantage of the CARES act loan programs when they are a good fit for an organization. This information will also be shared with Washington Nonprofits because it will be helpful in advocating for appropriate forms of support for nonprofits.To qualify for a PPP Loan a nonprofit must: Have been in existence on March 1, 2020. Be exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, or a war veterans’ organization exempt under section 501(c)(19) of the IRS code. This means nonprofits registered with the state but not the IRS are not eligible. Also, 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6) organizations are not eligible. Have employees. The number of full and/or part-time employees must be 500 or fewer. Question Title * Organization Name Question Title * Budget Size $1 - $99,999 $100,000 - $499,999 $500,000 - 1,499,999 $1,500,000 - $4.999.999 $5,000,000 or more Question Title * Sub-Sector (choose from the dropdown list) Arts, Culture, Humanities Human Services Environment Housing and Shelter Youth Development Civil Rights, Social Action, & Advocacy Community Improvement & Capacity Building Health and Mental Health Animal Welfare Other (please specify) Question Title * Who is the person at your organization taking the lead with regard to federal loan programs? Name & Title * County Email Address * Phone Number Question Title * Has your organization applied for the EIDL - Economic Injury Disaster Loan? Yes, we applied and the loan was approved Yes, we applied but the loan was NOT approved No, we have not applied and do not plan to Have not applied but we are planning to If you applied for EIDL let us know what went well or if anything did not go well in the application process: You can find more information through the SBA EIDL Loans Question Title * Has your organization applied for the PPP - Paycheck Protection Program? (Note you must have employees to apply.) Yes, we applied and the loan was approved Yes, we applied but the loan was NOT approved No, we have not applied and do not plan to Have not applied, but we plan to I need more information to decide about this loan program There are many good reasons for not applying for PPP. If you are not applying, please briefly describe why: Next