Small Business Sentiment Survey 2022 With a new Federal Government under the Australian Labor Party (Labor), our fourth Federal Budget in two years is fast approaching. Tell us what you and your business needs from this Budget in order to look forward and open doors.Add your voice to this 2-3min survey, and you'll receive a $250 Business Advisory voucher from Small Business Australia! Question Title * 1. Please provide the following information Name Email Address Question Title * 2. I am a small business owner Yes No I work in a small business I work with small businesses Question Title * 3. Total annual revenue (turnover) $0 - $1m $1m - $5m $5m - $10m $10m+ Question Title * 4. Total number of people working in your business, including part-time and casual staff 0-5 persons 6-19 persons 20-199 persons 200 or more persons Question Title * 5. Industry Accommodation and Food Services Administrative and Support Services Arts and Recreation Services Construction Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services Education and Training Financial and Insurance Services Health Care and Social Assistance Information Media and Telecommunications Manufacturing Mining Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Retail Trade Transport, Postal and Warehousing Wholesale Trade Other Services Question Title * 6. Has the change to minimum wage impacted your business? Not at all To a small extent To a great extent Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 7. Over the next quarter, what is your ability to meet financial commitments? Very difficult Difficult Neither difficult or easy Easy Very easy No financial commitments over the next 3 months Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 8. Are you experiencing difficulties in finding suitable staff? Not at all To a small extent To a great extent Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 9. Are you being impacted by supply chain disruptions? Not at all To a small extent To a great extent Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 10. How reliant is your business on migrant labour? Not at all To a small extent To a great extent Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 11. Do you believe your business will be better off under a Labor Federal Government? Yes No About the same Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 12. What does your business most need from the Labor's first Federal Budget? Question Title * 13. How would you compare your business now and before the COVID pandemic (March 2020)? Stronger Much the same Weaker Don't know Please expand on your answer. Question Title * 14. Do flexible work arrangements benefit your business? Not at all To a small extent To a great extent We don't have flexible work arrangements Don't know Please expand on your answer. Next