Family Webpage Feedback

1.What is your relationship to your WVSOM student?
2.Please rate how helpful you found each of the sections of the Family Web Page:
Not helpful
Somewhat helpful
Very helpful
What should I be talking about with my student?
What is my student learning?
How much time does my student need to spend studying?
Where can my student find help?
What is the financial impact for my student?
What about activities outside of studying?
What will my student be doing next?
Are there specific resources for partners/spouses?
My student is in the military. How does that change things?
3.Is your student the first person in your family to attend medical school?
4.What is one thing you learned from this page that will help you to support your WVSOM student?
5.What unanswered questions do you have?
6.Please rate your agreement with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
I would recommend this page to others.
The information on this page increased my knowledge of how to help support my WVSOM student.
The information on this page reaffirmed my understanding of what medical school is like.
7.What resources would you find helpful to be added to this web page?
8.Please include any comments below: