Fallon & Carter County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Update

Fallon and Carter County are updating their Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plans. The purpose of having a Plan is to better understand the natural and man-made hazards that pose a threat to residents and to identify steps to reduce the risks associated with these hazards. Resident input is essential for the success of the project. Please take a moment to complete the following seven question survey.
1.Where do you live?
2.1.     The hazards identified in the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan update are listed below. Please rank each hazard in importance to you. (Low/Med/High)
Severe weather (Tornado, High Winds, Hail)
Transportation of Hazardous Materials
Dam or Levee Failure
Terrorism, Civil unrest, Cyber Security
3.1.     Do you have information on specific hazard issues/problem areas that you think should be addressed in the plan? Note the jurisdiction to which it applies:
4.1.     How can we best share information with you about how to make your household and home safer from natural disasters? (Please check all that apply)
5.1.     Help the planning team understand the public’s priority when it comes to planning for hazards by indicating the importance of each potential measure listed below: (Not Important to Very Important)
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Protecting private property
Protecting critical facilities
Preventing development in hazard areas
Protecting natural environment
Protecting historical/cultural landmarks
Promoting cooperation among public agencies, citizens, non-profit organizations and businesses
Protecting and reducing damage to utilities
Strengthening emergency services (police, fire, ambulance)
6.6. Mitigation is defined as actions that can help reduce or eliminate the long-term risk from natural or manmade hazards. Please indicate which mitigation actions you think should have the highest priority in the PDM Plan. Please choose at least 4.
7.Is there anything else you would like the Planning Team to consider for incorporation into the Pre-Disaster Mitigation plans? 
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered