Fairview Heights On-Line Business Questionnaire

1.In general, which commercial district is your business located in?(Required.)
2.What type of business do you own or operate?(Required.)
3.How long has your business been in Fairview Heights?(Required.)
4.In your opinion, what are the three best things about having your business in Fairview Heights?(Required.)
5.Are there other businesses, features, or attractions in the city that are particularly advantageous to your business? (Please explain)(Required.)
6.In your opinion, what do you like least about having your business in Fairview Heights?(Required.)
7.If you had the opportunity to move your business out of Fairview Heights, would you?(Required.)
8.If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain why you would move your business.
9.How do you rate the following public facilities and services within the City of Fairview Heights?(Required.)
Don't Know/No Opinion
Trash pickup
Sewer service
Electric service
Fire protection
Trees and Landscaping  on public property
Stormwater drainage
Snow and ice Removal
Parks and open space
Recreational facilities and programs
Water quality
Local streets
Public parking
Police protection
10.Do you have any concerns with the City's zoning requirements or code enforcement?(Required.)
11.If you answered yes on the previous question, what is your concern?  Do you have suggestions to resolve your concern?
12.Do you have concerns with the City's development or permit process?(Required.)
13.If you answered yes on the previous question, what is your concern?  Do you have suggestions to resolve your concern?
14.What type of new development or uses would you most like to see in Fairview Heights? (select all that apply)(Required.)
15.What type of new development or uses do you NOT want to see in the City of Fairview Heights? (select all that apply)
16.How does the quality of life in the City of Fairview Heights today compare to the past ten years?(Required.)
17.In your opinion, what are the three most important issues facing the City?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered