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Neighborhood, Housing & Mobility

The Neighborhood, Housing & Mobility survey is one of four (4) online surveys that you may complete as part of the Fairfield Innovation Plan's Choice Neighborhood Resident Survey. You are not required to complete each survey, but you are encouraged to complete each survey that interest you most. The other surveys can be found at
Raffle: For each online survey that is completed and submitted, you will receive one (1) raffle ticket that will automatically enter you for a chance to win one (1) of the following prizes:
  • A $150 Amazon Gift Card (Quantity: 1)
  • A $50 Amazon Gift Card (Quantity: 3)
Each participant may earn no more than four (4) raffle tickets. Your name and email or phone number must be provided below to be entered into the raffle. The drawing will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. You do not need to be present at the drawing to win.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email

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* 3. Phone

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* 4. Are you a former Northcott Court Resident?

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* 5. Where in the Fairfield neighborhood do you live? (See map below.)

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* 6. How long have you lived in the neighborhood?

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* 7. How many people live in your household? (Please indicate the number of people by age group below.)

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* 8. What generations of people live in your household? (Please indicate the number of people by generation below.)

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* 9. Do you own or rent your home?

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* 10. Overall, how satisfied are you with living in your current home?

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* 11. Overall, how satisfied are you with living on your current block?

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* 12. Overall, how satisfied are you with living in the neighborhood

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* 13. What kinds of physical repairs are needed at your home?

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* 14. Why have the physical repairs needed at your home not yet been completed?

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* 15. Do you own or lease a car?

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* 16. How often do you have access to a car (whether yours or one that you can borrow from a friend or family member)?

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* 17. How often do you travel outside the Fairfield neighborhood for work, shopping or services?

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