
Repeated flood events have significantly magnified barriers to fair housing and impacted members of protected classes. Advanced preparation and planning is critical during hurricane season and throughout the year so that vulnerable Houstonians may make a full recovery after a flood event. HCDD is seeking consultants, including non-profit organizations, to provide outreach, education, information, and advertising addressing fair housing and hurricane preparedness or risk reduction.  The program's target audiences are historically underserved populations, including African-Americans, Hispanics, seniors, persons with disabilities, immigrants including populations with Limited English Proficiency, and low- and/or moderate-income households. The overall goal of this initiative is to support outreach and engagement at the neighborhood level and increase fair housing and resilience knowledge of residents.

*All applicants must attend at least one of the Fair Housing 101 Workshop Sessions to qualify.
Examples of Eligible Activities
  • Conducting educational workshops, trainings, and symposia about fair housing and flood preparedness/risk reduction
  • Executing outreach activities in underserved communities to educate and create awareness about fair housing and flood preparedness/risk reduction
  • Developing and executing mixed media tactics including: e-newsletters, email blasts, success stories/testimonials, social media (including video campaigns), paid advertising (i.e., web banners, digital billboards, TV, radio, and print advertisements) in various languages applicable to the community about fair housing and flood preparedness/risk reduction
  • Developing and distributing PSAs, brochures, posters, infographics, fact sheets, etc. (in languages applicable to the community) about fair housing and flood preparedness/risk reduction

Grant Award

Selected groups will be reimbursed for eligible costs according to Community Development Block Grant regulations (24 CFR Part 570) for fair housing activities (24 CFR § 570.206(c)) and federal grant requirements (2 CFR Part 200). The maximum amount per award is $10,000.

Key Dates (Tentative)

May 17, 2021
Applications available online

May 27, 2021; 10:00am - 11:30am
Virtual Grant Introduction Workshop

May 28, 2021; 10:00am - 11:00am
Fair Housing 101 Workshop Session 1*

June 9, 2021; 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Fair Housing 101 Workshop Session 2*

June 15, 2021; 10:00am - 11:00am
Fair Housing 101 Workshop Session 3*

June 16, 2021
Application Due
All applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm CST. 

June 21 – 25, 2021
Grants Awarded (estimated)

June 28 – July 2, 2021
Virtual Orientation of Selected Consultants (estimated)

November 5, 2021
All work should be completed and submitted to HCDD staff
Evaluation Criteria

Priority will be given to applicants that
  • Show a history or demonstrated ability to reach and engage members from underserved communities in similar ways to the proposal
  • Propose activities which engage and benefit historically underserved communities
  • Propose activities that are well planned, organized and suitable for the relevant goals and objectives of the activity or event
  • Propose activities that have a long-term impact within the organization and/or community
  • Utilize existing community initiatives, such as Complete Communities, or relationships with other organizations to enhance outreach efforts.
All applicants must be registered as a vendor for the City and actively registered in the System for Award Management (SAM).
Visit: https://purchasing.houstontx.gov/ and www.sam.gov/SAM

QUESTIONS? FairHousing@houstontx.gov