RAFI Farmers of Color Network Fund provides support to farmers for new and innovative agricultural projects & ideas that will increase farm viability, support community food sovereignty efforts, preserve traditional & cultural farming practices, as well as assist local food economies. 

We offer $5000 awards to Individual farmers, and $7000 for Collaborative projects involving 2 or more farmers.

Who is Eligible
Our focus this year is on North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina farmers who are agriculturally dependent and who have viable ideas for innovative agricultural projects to increase farm sustainability.  

Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria
Funds are awarded on a competitive basis. You must submit an application in order to be considered for funding support. You will need to  download a copy of the application and complete the application on your computer. You may also contact Tahz Walker at 919-548-6825 or Laketa Smith at 919-548-8591 with questions or for assistance.  

We fund innovative, replicable on-farm projects that: 
demonstrate an ability to increase farm sustainability;
establish new markets for local products and services; 
develop new uses for existing greenhouses, farm facilities, and equipment; 
add value to existing farm products by developing innovative processing, packaging or marketing;
make optimal use of on-farm and natural resources.

Priority will be given to projects that:
Farmers who have limited access to other funding or lending sources;
Farmers whose project proposal would have the greatest projected impact on their surrounding community;
High priority will be given to innovative projects that show a new direction or opportunity for farmers.
Farmers that are located or serving in economically distressed communities. 
Farmers and farm production that has been adversely affected due to Covid-19. 

We offer Funds for.... 
Individual Farmer Projects: Awarded to eligible farmers or farm enterprises. 
Collaborative Farm Projects: Collaborative projects involve the participation of at least two eligible farmers as described below.

Farmer Eligibility:
To qualify as an eligible farmer, you must:

Earn a significant amount of their personal income from your farm operation; 
Be at least two years into production in your farming operation.
Be able to show a demonstrated need for funding.

Mandatory Instructions and Deadline:
-Applications must be typed on the RAFI Farmer of Color Network application form. (If you need support on application, staff at RAFI can assist you)
-One application per farm.
-Application deadline is 5PM Friday, May 1st, 2020

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

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* 2. Do you have a FSA Farm ID Number?

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* 3. Do you file an IRS Schedule F form? (IRS Schedule F is used to report taxable income from farming or agricultural activities.)

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* 4. Do you earn a significant percent of your gross personal income from your farm operation?

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* 5. Is your project new and/or innovative to your farming operation? Why?

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* 6. Has your farm received previous grant funds from Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, RAFI-USA or NC AgVenture? If yes, who provided the grant, the grant amount, the grant year, and title of the project.

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* 7. What is the Project title for this funding application:

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* 8. Individual of collaborative?

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* 9. How much money are you requesting?

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* 10. Total cost of completed project? (This would include other costs outside requested funds)

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* 11. Describe your project: Give us a clear description of the project and how it will fit into your current farm operation. Will this be part of a transition to a different operation such as turning traditional commodity crops into grass fed livestock operation; or are you incorporating new strategies to make the operation more efficient, initiating a new plan or creating a value-added product?

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* 12. If you are not awarded the total grant funds requested, how will you modify your project?

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* 13. Tell us a little about the history of your farm:

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* 14. Tell us a little about yourself. Describe your farm and off-farm experience. What skills do you have that will be useful to the successful completion of your project? How long have you been farming?

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* 15. Why do you believe this project can be sucessful? What research have you done to determine the project will work? How did you come up with this idea? Have you seen anything similar?

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* 16. Covid-19: How have you and your farm been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? What other resources outside of this funding will be useful in the coming months and year?

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* 17. MARKETING: Describe your marketing plan. Will you be selling directly to the public or will you be using indirect markets such as a food co-op, hub, retail food store, restaurants or other? Describe how you will promote or advertise the product or service. How is your product or service different from other farming operations in your area?

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* 18. THREE YEAR VISION:  Most new projects take 3-5 years to get up to speed. After your project has been implemented, what is your vision for 2021 and 2022? Will you build on this project or develop new markets? Please describe how your farm operation will grow.

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* 19. FOOD SAFETY:  What steps are you taking to reduce the risk of food contamination? Some examples would include: taking a pickling class, keeping a log, being or becoming GAP certified?  (This question may not apply to every project proposal.)

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* 20. LESSONS LEARNED:  FOCN Fund recipients will be asked to share information about the status of their project, relevant photos, and what lessons they have learned through project implementation. We also require that selected funding recipients participate in at least one Farmer of Color Network (FOCN) event within the funding cycle (May 15, 2020 to March 15, 2021), which could include a Peer Learning Tour, Farmer to Buyer connect event, or FOCN Farm Brigade. [Note] Due to Covid-19 and social distancing protocols, the timeline for group convenings, and/or programs will be adjusted and updated based on safety protocols and best practices. Due you agree to comply with funding requirements?

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* 21. PROJECT TIMELINE: Provide a monthly timeline of steps to complete your project. Use short statements or bullets. (For example: March-pour cement pad for cooler.)

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* 22. IMPACTS: What is the total number of acres currently farmed? This includes acres you own and rent.

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* 23. How many people currently work on your farm? Include yourself, full-time, part-time, seasonal and family workers.

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* 24. BUDGET: Type a list of major expenses and cost estimates to complete the entire project. Include equipment, building materials, consultants, subcontractors, equipment rentals, etc,. Get quotes so that you do not underestimate the actual cost.