Our Union contracts with Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital (formerly UMDNJ) expire on September 30, 2014. We are making preparations now to negotiate the best possible contracts for our future. This survey is your opportunity to have your opinion heard during this process. Your input will be shared with our Negotiating Committees and will help guide your col-leagues bargaining with your employer.

This will be our first experience negotiating with our new employers. Due to the protections we fought for in the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act, Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital are obligated to negotiate new contracts with us when our current contract expire. It is important that we show them that our union remains united and strong.

Don’t see something? Be sure to add your own comments and suggestions. Winning a strong contract doesn’t just happen at the bargaining table. It takes the effort and participation of all of us to show that we are united for a fair contract and are willing to stand up to protect our rights and benefits.

Question Title

* 1. General Information

Question Title

* 2. Employer

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Alternate Email

Question Title

* 5. Contact Information

Question Title

* 6. Rate how important each item is to you.

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Job security
Workload, caseloads, staffing
Work schedules
Promotional opportunities
Time off
Parity w/ new employer’s benefits & policies
Health and Safety
Tuition, Continuing Education

Question Title

* 7. Any other issues important to you? Please list and briefly explain why.

Question Title

* 8. Wages and Economics

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
My salary and step placement fairly reflects my experience and education.
My salary has kept up with increased health care and other costs of living.
My salary is comparable to others doing similar work.
The cost of parking is reasonable.
Considering everything, I am satisfied with my pay.

Question Title

* 9. Any comments or suggestions about Wages and Economic issues?

Question Title

* 10. Job Satisfaction and Working Conditions

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am given adequate opportunity to advance in my employment
My annual performance evaluations are completed on time.
My performance evaluation is a fair reflection of my performance.
I am treated respectfully and professionally by my supervisor.
My workload is reasonable.
My job description accurately reflects my actual job duties.
I am rarely asked to perform tasks not in my job description.
I rarely work in excess of my regularly scheduled hours
I feel secure in my job from the threat of layoff.
My supervisor allows for flexible scheduling.
My work life has improved after the reorganization.
Considering everything, I am satisfied with my job.

Question Title

* 11. Any comments or suggestions about Job Satisfaction and Working Conditions?

Question Title

* 12. Benefits

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The amount of benefit time I accrue is sufficient for my needs.
I am able to use my accrued benefit time when necessary.
Time off requests are approved in a timely manner.
I am concerned about the cost of health insurance when I retire.
I am satisfied with our current tuition benefit.
When applying for FMLA, HR has been responsive, helpful and timely.

Question Title

* 13. Any comments or suggestions about Benefits?

Question Title

* 14. Health and Safety

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel safe in areas surrounding my campus, worksite and parking lots.
I've never felt bullied, harassed or intimated by my supervisor.
I've never experienced or witnessed workplace violence at my job.
My workplace is free of toxic chemicals and other hazards.
My employer addresses health and safety issues in a timely manner.

Question Title

* 15. Any comments or suggestions about Health and Safety?

Question Title

* 16. Other Terms and Conditions of Employment

  Yes No
I am required to use my car for work related matters.
I am required to wear a uniform at work.
I am required to be on-call.
I receive some form of compensation when on-call.
I have been required to work during a declared weather emergency.
I receive some form of compensation when required to work during an emergency.
My status as non-essential or essential has been made clear to me.
I have been mandated to work overtime.
I work a Non-Standard workweek.
My current position is grant funded.
My position requires a license, registration or certification.
Have you ever had a grievance filed on your behalf?
Have you ever logged a complaint with compliance?

Question Title

* 17. About My Union

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
HPAE Professionals and Nurses should work together to get a fair contract.
I support efforts to encourage Rutgers "Legacy" Professionals to join our union.
It is important to work in coalition with other unions at my worksite.
It is important to lobby for funding for healthcare, research and social services.
It is important to help elect legislators who support our union’s priorities.
I am well informed about my union.
I would recommend a coworker join HPAE.
Considering everything, I am satisfied with my union.

Question Title

* 18. Any comments or suggestions About My Union?

Question Title

* 19. Yes, I want to help win a strong contract in 2014!

I will distribute information to my co-workers
I will attend union meetings and participate in union votes
I will show support for my union by wearing buttons and signing petitions
I will meet with legislators and public officials
I will participate in rallies or pickets
I will make a financial contribution to our Union's Committee on Political Education
I will serve as a "Union Liaison" for my department.
If necessary, I will be willing to authorize a strike.

Question Title

* 20. Are there other ways you would get involved to help build a strong contract campaign?

Question Title

* 21. Thanks for doing the survey. Do you have any comments you want to add?