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Market Research - Sexual Abuse and Assaults on Children of Service Members
You are invited to participate in a study being conducted by OPADDI, a non-profit. The purpose of the study is to assess the awareness of active duty military members and their family’s knowledge of sexual assaults on children. Participation should take approximately 2 to complete.
PARTICIPATION Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may refuse to take part in the research or exit the survey at any time without penalty. You may skip any question you do not wish to answer for any reason.
BENEFITS & RISKS You will receive no direct benefits from participating in this research study. However, your responses may help us learn more about the awareness of sexual abuse and assaults among Active Duty Members and Military Families. There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this study other than those encountered in day-to-day life. There is the risk that you may find some of the questions to be sensitive; or There is the risk that some questions may cause emotional discomfort; or some of the survey questions ask about your knowledge of sexual abuse and assaults on children of Military Active Duty Members and may be distressing to you as you think about your experiences; The possible risks or discomforts of the study are minimal. You may feel a little uncomfortable answering sensitive survey questions.
CONFIDENTIALITY Your survey answers will be stored initially with in a password protected electronic format.
By clicking "Okay button indicates that · You have read the above information · You voluntarily agree to participate · You are 18 years of age or older