The AMIA Board and staff are looking ahead to the Fall Conference and would like to better understand how our community is feeling with regards to traveling to El Paso, Texas to attend an in-person conference in November 2021. We ask you to please fill out the following brief survey, which will take you about 3-5 minutes to complete.

The first section includes questions about traveling to the conference. The second section is a general community survey to help us better understand our constituency. The results will remain anonymous and will help the board and staff make informed decisions about our fall conference as well as give us a better understanding of who we currently serve.

We will announce whether the conference will be in-person or virtual no later than June 1, 2021.

Questions preceded by an orange asterisk * must be answered in order to submit the survey.  The survey has been extended to May 2, 2021. If you have any questions about this survey, please email

Thank you,
The AMIA Board of Directors + Staff
Section 1 - 2021 Fall Conference

Question Title

* Would you attend the November 2021 AMIA Conference that is tentatively scheduled to be held in person in El Paso, Texas on November 17-20?

Question Title

* If NO or UNCERTAIN, which of the following options has or will factor into your decision (check up to three)?

Question Title

* Will you or does your employer pay for your AMIA conference expenses (in-person or virtual)?

Section 2 - Community Survey

Question Title

* Are you currently an AMIA member?

Question Title

* Do you or does your employer pay for your AMIA membership?

Question Title

* If your employer pays, are they members in either of the following categories?

Question Title

* Which of the following best describes where you are in your career?

Question Title

* If you are not retired, are you currently employed? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* Which category are you most aligned with?

Question Title

* Which of AMIA’s publicized Membership benefits are beneficial to you (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* Have you ever attended an AMIA Conference (in person or virtual)?

Question Title

* Have you attended an AMIA-organized webinar in 2020 or 2021?

Question Title

* Do you belong to any of the following professional organizations (check all that apply)?