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Law Library Survey 2021

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* 1. Respondent Details

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* 2. How many years have you practiced law?

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* 3. Do you practice outside of the St. John’s metro and surrounding areas (i.e., St. John’s, Mount Pearl, Paradise, CBS, Tors Cove)

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* 4. Please indicate your top 3 areas of legal practice

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* 5. If you practice in an area not listed above, please tell us what that area is:

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* 6. Which statement best describes your interactions with the LSNL Law Library in an average year? Interactions can be either in-person or remotely (telephone/email), or a mix

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* 7. Please tell us why you consider yourself to be that type of library user:

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* 8. The Law Library offers 3 methods of interaction for reference services - please rank according to your preference

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* 9. If the Law Library were to offer an on-line chat service would you use it?

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* 10. The Law Library is considering changing the Law Library hours in order to better match the needs of Members attending court. Would you be more likely to use the Law Library if the Law Library operated 8:30 am-4:30 pm?

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* 11. Please indicate how often you have the used the services and facility of the Law Library in the last three years?

  Very Often Often Sometimes Seldom Never Not Required for my work
Borrowed materials via contactless pickup
Online catalogue - book bin tool 
Online catalogue - searches
accessed non-circulating/Reference items
Library distance services (out of town members only)
Request table of contents scan/scan service
Study space in library - for Library research
Borrowed circulating materials
Research assistance from Library staff
Requested training for library databases
Taken a library tour
Study space in library - for personal work
Research in Library databases
Accessed the Irwin e-book database
Request content be brought in from another library

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* 12. Does your Law Firm subscribe to the following databases/electronic services?

  Yes No
Quicklaw (LexisNexis)
LexisNexis International
Westlaw (Thomson Reuters)
O'Brien's Precedents (Thomson Reuters)
Irwin E-book Database

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* 13. Do you rely on the library to have the following databases available to you, free of charge?

  Yes No
Quicklaw (LexisNexis)
LexisNexis International
Westlaw (Thomson Reuters)
O’Brien’s Precedents (Thomson Reuters)
Irwin E-book database

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* 14. Are you familiar with CanLII ( - the free online legal database for Canada)?

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* 15. Have you used CanLII to find case law or legislation

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* 16. Do you use CanLII on a regular basis

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* 17. Please rank the following statements -over the last 12 months: 

  Strongly Disagree Disagree N/A Agree Strongly Agree
CanLII has been my “first stop” for Case Law and Legislation research
I tried CanLII first and then contacted the Law Library if I couldn’t find what I was looking for
My firm has Westlaw or Quicklaw so I don’t use CanLII
I tried CanLII first and then went to databases my work subscribes to
I use the Law Library resources exclusively

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* 18. How important are the following Library services to your practice?

  Not important Important Very Important
Access to a robust collection of current texts and loose-leaf’s in a variety of areas
Do your own research in the library’s online catalogue
Access to UK or American case law
Historical UK or American legal texts
Current UK or American legal texts
Research and reference assistance
A quiet place to do your work - for library resources or personal work
Ability to obtain content not held at the LSNL Law Library (books / journal articles)
Online resources such as Westlaw, Irwin e-book database, etc.
Database training
Library Tours for students/new Members
Remote services including contactless pickup?

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* 19. Other (Please specify)

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* 20. Thinking about your area of practice and the Law Libraries print and electronic resources, would you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree N/A Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Law Library has a robust collection of resources in my area and I can usually find what I need
The Law Library has a good collection for my needs and I can usually find what I need or the Law Library staff can obtain it for me
There are gaps in the collection, but there is enough alternative content that I can work around it
The content is mostly current and relevant to my work
There is little to nothing in my area so I don’t use the Law Library
The Library loan periods are sufficient for my needs

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* 21. Has your organization cancelled any loose-leaf/annual text subscriptions or databases on the premise that the Law Library will continue to subscribe to them?

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* 22. If you replied yes to Question 20, please provide an example

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* 23. Have you ever placed a hold with the Law Library? Please share your feelings about your experience with the process.

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* 24. Thinking about Library services prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, please share what you feel the Law Library does well for the Members?

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* 25. Thinking about Library services prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, please share what you feel the Law Library could improve on for existing Member Services?

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* 26. Thinking about Library services prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, please share what you feel the Law Library could offer to improve your use of the Law Library?

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* 27. Which of the following services and facilities would you like to see the Law Library focus on as a priority for future service offerings? Please select at least one and up to 3.

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* 28. Thinking about the Covid-19 pandemic closure of the Law Library from March to mid-September 2020 - when the Law Library was in total lockdown and offering only remote services, please share what you feel about how the Law Library provided services?

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* 29. Thinking about the Covid-19 pandemic closure of the Law Library from mid-September-December 2020, when the Law Library resources were available either by in-person appointment or remote services (contactless pickup/scan service, Library staff research & reference):

  Yes No
Did you make use of the Appointment System?
Did you find the Appointment System easy to use?
Did you make use of the Library’s remote services?
Did you find the remote services easy to use?

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* 30. If you use the remote services, please tell us what you liked and didn’t like about the service?

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* 31. If you use the remote services, please tell us what you liked and didn’t like about the service?

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* 32. Prior to the pandemic we were offering 2-week loans on regular items and 3-day loans on reserve items. During the pandemic, we were offering 30-day loans on regular items and 3-day loans on reserve items. For Library loans, which of the following would you like to see the Law Library offer in the future?

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* 33. Please share any additional comments or suggestions.

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