White River Valley Museum - New Exhibit Survey The City of Auburn has a wonderful community museum located in Les Gove Park, right between the Senior Activity Center and the King County Library. Along with permanent exhibits about the area’s heritage, the White River Valley Museum creates three unique temporary shows a year. The Museum is interested in learning what new exhibits YOU would find interesting! So please share your preferences and ideas! Question Title * 1. What age range best describes you? 20 to 35 36 to 45 45 to 60 60 and over Question Title * 2. Please select your zip code. 98001 98002 98092 98030 Other Question Title * 3. Have you ever been to Auburn’s White River Valley Museum? Yes No Question Title * 4. When you visit a museum, who are you likely to go with? Check all that apply. Senior age parents Spouse Friends Children Other Question Title * 5. If you have NEVER been to the White River Valley Museum, why? Please check one that best represents your situation. I did not know it existed. I find museums boring. I don’t have time. The museum isn’t open when I am available to visit. The cost of admission is too high for me. ($2 for children and seniors, $5 for adults.) Other Question Title * 6. If you have been to the Museum, what was your favorite area in the permanent exhibits? Please rank, 1 is your most favorite, 5 your least. 1 2 3 4 5 Caboose 1 2 3 4 5 One room school 1 2 3 4 5 Canoe scene 1 2 3 4 5 Historic downtown Auburn scene 1 2 3 4 5 Other (Please specify below) Question Title * 7. Please include comments here about your favorite permanent exhibit. Question Title * 8. If you have been to the Museum, did you see any of these temporary exhibits? Check all that apply. Small Works Big Presents, the Gift of Art SERVICE INK, Veterans Tattoos and Their Stories (on display through November 15, 2015) Of A Feather: Artists, Birds and the Northwest Sole Obsession, 100 Years of Women’s Shoes From Power Pumps to Kitten Heels Alpine Photography of George L. Kinkade Question Title * 9. We are interested in learning what new exhibits you would like to see at the Museum. Please rank the following list of exhibit themes, 1 being your favorite, 5 being your least favorite. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Funny and sweet historic images of babies 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stories of local labor unions and the tools their members used 1 2 3 4 5 6 The best local antique quilts and woven coverlets 1 2 3 4 5 6 Beautiful historic images of local mountains and glaciers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weird historic medical devices 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other (Please specify below) Question Title * 10. Please include comments here about any other exhibit you would like to see. Question Title * 11. Is there anything you would like to tell us regarding the White River Valley Museum? Done