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In light of Governor Pritzker's "Restore Illinois" plan establishing phases and regions for re-opening the state, as well as the recent extension of a "stay at home" order through May 30 and the possibility of another surge of COVID-19 infections in the autumn, the ILA Annual Conference will not be held in Springfield as planned. The well-being of library workers around the state is our number one priority.  

The 2020 ILA Annual Conference Program Committee would appreciate your feedback on this year’s conference. 

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* 1. We are considering a virtual conference, which would be held in October. While details will be determined, the committee is committed to a high-quality event with programming for multi-type libraries and types of library services. What is your preference for the 2020 ILA Annual Conference?

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* 2. The registration rates for a virtual conference will be based on conference expenses. The expectation is that there will be a combination of live and pre-recorded webinars, which will be available for viewing after the conference dates.

Acknowledging there are still costs to producing a virtual conference, what do you believe is a reasonable registration rate for a multi-day virtual conference with content that is viewable after the conference dates?

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* 3. Many events are held at the conference in addition to programming. Please let us know on a scale of 1 to 5 how important these events are important to you, 1 being unimportant and 5 being very important.

  1 2 3 4 5
Exhibit Hall
Keynote and President’s Program Speakers
Social Events - Stories & Spirits, Evening Events
Meal Events - Public Library Forum Luncheon, IACRL Luncheon, Trustee Luncheon

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* 4. Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding a virtual conference?

0 of 4 answered