Funding Your Impact 2021 Call for Speakers Question Title SVCN's Funding Your Impact Fund Development Summit CALL FOR SPEAKERS SVCN's Funding Your Impact six-webinar summit -- held from May 18-20 (at 11 am and 2 pm daily) -- is an opportunity for nonprofits to get the fund development insights they need to start, sustain, or grow their impact.SVCN invites submissions from presenters who propose to: Bring innovative fund development approaches to the nonprofit community Update nonprofit leaders on fundraising strategies and tactics in the COVID-19 context Present ideas about saving money and resources in a time of strained nonprofit resources Offer interactive virtual strategies Demonstrate effective and ethical storytelling Discuss creative uses of technology to get the message across Speakers must present in an educational, non-commercial, non-self-promotional manner. Please, no sales pitches.We encourage submissions from speakers who represent a wide range of backgrounds and we welcome speakers from outside Silicon Valley.Use this form to propose your talk. We can't wait to hear your idea!Deadline April 23.Please note: SVCN seeks to intentionally incorporate principles of racial justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion into the summit and in our everyday work.Have questions about the summit prior to submitting? Please email Marissa Martinez, at for assistance. Question Title * 1. First name: Question Title * 2. Last name: Question Title * 3. Organization: Question Title * 4. Title: Question Title * 5. Email address: Question Title * 6. Telephone: Question Title * 7. Twitter handle: Question Title * 8. Please briefly describe your prior public speaking experience (where, when, what did you talk about, etc.). Question Title * 9. Please provide links to online video or audio featuring you speaking publicly, if applicable. Question Title * 10. Please provide links to any articles or web pages about you. Question Title * 11. What is your specific idea for a talk? We are open to hearing a variety of ideas; talks, workshops, demos, conversations, etc. Use this space to tell us what you want to do. If submitting a talk, this is where you'll want to give us a title & description. Question Title * 12. Will this talk discuss racial equity or apply a racial equity lens? Yes No How so? Question Title * 13. What kind of speaker event are you proposing? 15 minute presentation (1 speaker on panel of 3 that SVCN puts together) + 15 minutes Q&A 45 minutes presentation (solo presenter) + 15 minutes Q&A 45 minutes presentation (with other speakers of your choosing) + 15 minutes Q&A Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Provides the names and affiliations of additional speakers if applicable Question Title * 15. Why should SVCN select you as a presenter and include this topic for our fund development summit? Question Title * 16. Please provide your resume or CV. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please provide your resume or CV. Question Title * 17. Please provide your headshot. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please provide your headshot. Question Title * 18. Please provide a 100 word bio. Thank you for your application!We will evaluate your application and someone from SVCN will be in touch if needed. We may not be able to respond personally to each application. If you've submitted a nomination, it will stay in our database to be considered for future conferences.By submitting to speak at SVCN’s Funding Your Impact, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: Speaker agrees to supply a copy of the presentation, paper, or blog post for publication in SVCN’s post-series newsletter or website. Speaker allows SVCN to promote their participation using their likeness and biographical information. Speaker agrees to photography and/or filming of their presentation for distribution by SVCN. Speaker agrees to present an educational, vendor-neutral presentation. Speaker agrees to inform SVCN of any audio/visual equipment, internet, or accessibility requirements other than a screen/projector or TV at least 14 days prior to the event. SVCN strives to make presentations and meetings accessible to ensure full participation by persons with disabilities. If, as a presenter, you need any accommodations for yourself or support in make your presentation accessible to all SVCN participants, please let us know!Thanks again for your submission! Done