City of Three Rivers Volunteer Board Member Feedback
Are you a City of Three Rivers resident? (Many boards have residency requirements)
Have you ever served on a City Board?
If yes, how likely are you to continue volunteering as a board member in the future?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
Other (please specify)
None of the above
How much of an impact do you feel your work as a board member had?
A great deal of impact
A lot of impact
A moderate amount of impact
A little impact
No impact at all
None of the above
If no, what would entice you to become a member of a volunteer board?
What City boards are you familiar with?
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board
Library Board
Park Advisory Board
Airport Advisory Board
Cemetery Advisory Board
Board of Appeals
Board of Review
Historic District Commission
Three Rivers Housing Corporation
Industrial Development Authority
Local Officers Compensation Committee
Planning Commission
River Country Recreational Authority
Streets and Sidewalk Advisory Board
What City boards would you like more information about?
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board
Library Board
Park Advisory Board
Airport Advisory Board
Cemetery Advisory Board
Board of Appeals
Board of Review
Historic District Commission
Three Rivers Housing Corporation
Industrial Development Authority
Local Officers Compensation Committee
Planning Commission
River Country Recreational Authority
Streets and Sidewalk Advisory Board
At what email address would you like to be contacted regarding board membership? (If not interested answer n/a)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered