Roadeo Judges and Volunteers Sign up

The Texas Transit Association is grateful for your participation in the 2025 State Roadeo on March 7-8, 2025 in McAllen. Please complete the information below so that we can have an accurate headcount.
Note: Anyone wishing to attend the Roadeo Dinner will need to purchase a Roadeo Dinner Ticket ($75) through registration.
Contact for more information.

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* 1. Provide Your Name:

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* 2. Provide Your Title:

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* 3. Provide Your Agency Name:

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* 4. Email address

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* 5. Please select if you would like to be a Roadeo Judge or Volunteer. Please understand that if you select volunteer, you may be needed to assist with judging.

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* 6. If you have a preference, please indicate what obstacle or module you would like to judge.

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* 7. T-Shirt Size
Please select your t-shirt size below.

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* 8. Please provide any comments or feedback that you may have. Thank you.

Note: Anyone wishing to attend the Roadeo Dinner will need to purchase a Roadeo Dinner Ticket ($75) through registration.