INSPIRE is inviting all REIPPPP stakeholders to participate in regular focussed Community of Practice sessions in 2024.

You can expect facilitated sessions to share knowledge, learn and engage towards a shared vision. The goal being to enhance impact through REIPPPP community investments.

Have your say below, and help us to shape the pilot season for this Community of Practice.

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* 1. What is your name and surname?

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* 2. What is your email address?

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* 3. What organisation do you work for or represent?

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* 4. What is the role you hold in your organisation?

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* 5. Which topics you would like the Community of Practice to focus on?

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* 6. In which Provinces do you work/invest in?

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* 7. Last question- are you signed up to the INSPIRE newsletter yet?

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* 8. Pls share any other thoughts to contribute towards our Community of Practice?