The World's Only Podcast Survey Question Title * 1. Do you feel the commentator discuss diverse topics? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. How would you rate the time spent on each topic? Too short Just Right Not Enough OK Question Title * 3. What do you think of the balance of the discussion? It favors Ian It favors Silby It seems equal I haven't noticed OK Question Title * 4. Do you have a favorite topic? OK Question Title * 5. Please rate the podcast on the following metrics: Poor Unsatisfactory Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent Audio quality Audio quality Poor Audio quality Unsatisfactory Audio quality Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Audio quality Satisfactory Audio quality Excellent Overall quality Overall quality Poor Overall quality Unsatisfactory Overall quality Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Overall quality Satisfactory Overall quality Excellent Frequency of release Frequency of release Poor Frequency of release Unsatisfactory Frequency of release Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Frequency of release Satisfactory Frequency of release Excellent Quality of information Quality of information Poor Quality of information Unsatisfactory Quality of information Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Quality of information Satisfactory Quality of information Excellent Host performance Host performance Poor Host performance Unsatisfactory Host performance Neither Satisfactory nor Unsatisfactory Host performance Satisfactory Host performance Excellent OK Question Title * 6. Are you a subscriber to this podcast? Yes No I used to be Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Where do you listen to this podcast? Apple Podcasts Stitcher Radio Google Play Tune In Podcast website on Podomatic Podcast app on my phone Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. Considering the length of each episode, are they: Way too long A little long Just right A little short Way too short Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? OK Question Title * 10. Please share your email to receive 21% off at the aois21 market. Name Email Address OK DONE