GASB 70 Non-Exchange & GASB 99 Exchange or Exchange-Like Financial Guarantees

Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire, which pertains to the following Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements:
GASB Statement No. 70, Non-Exchange Financial Guarantees and
GASB Statement No. 99, Omnibus 2022,
referencing Exchange or Exchange-Like Financial Guarantees
These statements require reporting and disclosing in Note 30, Financial Guarantees, when an agency has extended certain financial guarantees for obligations of another agency, government, a not-for-profit organization, a private entity or individual with or without directly receiving equal value in exchange.

Agency management is responsible for ensuring proper accounting and reporting under GASB 70 and GASB 99. Agencies must analyze their operations for financial guarantees at least annually, if applicable. Review the Non-Exchange Financial Guarantees and Exchange or Exchange-Like Financial Guarantees definitions on reporting requirements on the AFR website.

Submission of this questionnaire serves as an "Acknowledgment of Review" of the agency's operations for non-exchange and exchange or exchange-like financial guarantees.

Submit responses to this questionnaire by Aug. 15, 20CY. If you have any questions, contact your financial reporting analyst.