Question Title

* 1. Select one of the following candidates for CHAIR of the Southside Wellness

Question Title

* 2. Select one of the following candidates for VICE CHAIR of the Southside
Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 3. Select one of the following candidates for SECRETARY of the Southside
Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 4. Select ONE of the following  candidates for one of the four seats of ACTIVE MEMBER LEADERSHIP on the Southside Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 5. Select ONE of the following  candidates for 0ne of four seats for  ACTIVE MEMBER LEADERSHIP on the Southside Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 6. Select ONE of the following  candidates for 0ne of four seats for  ACTIVE MEMBER LEADERSHIP on the Southside Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 7. Select ONE of the following  candidates for 0ne of four seats for  ACTIVE MEMBER LEADERSHIP on the Southside Wellness Coalition.

Question Title

* 8. Please acknowledge  your understanding that the FISCAL AGENT of the
Southside Wellness Coalition  is